My doctor always prescribes Levaquin for bad sinus infections and congestion because of my many drug allergies. I LOVE Levaquin. Within hours of the first dose all of the mucus in my head and/or chest starts to make a mass exodus. At times, the volume and swiftness that it drains can choke you -- but this medicine works and it works FAST. It's made me cough so hard I gag, but all of my coughs are super productive, if not overly so. I recommend this to anyone wanting to get better and back in the saddle at warp speed.
Levaquin was prescribed for a sinus infection. I had the same problem with sleeping the other two people had. No sleep at night for 2 days.
Was prescribed levaquin 750mg/5 day dose on June 22, 2009. First week no bad symptoms except for insomnia and nightmares. It did knock out sinus infection temporarily (10 days) but then sinusitis returned. It wasn't until week 3 after using this drug that I started noticing joint pain in elbows, knees, shoulders and lower back. It's November now and things haven't improved. Along with tendinitis symptoms I've also loss muscle strength in calf's, biceps and will experience burning in hamstrings after doing simple things like cutting my lawn. I hope this goes away or somebody offers a remedy to counter these effects.
I have a sinus infection that hasn't responded to any other treatments and I had decided to ignore it but 3 months have passed and it's gotten into my chest too. I was put on a Bacitrin and that did nothing so the Dr put me on Levaquin and thus far, I can say i haven't had any issues with sleep, I actually fell asleep watching TV last night and slept fairly well considering I have a ton of coughing congestion in my chest and that awful sinus discharge-we'll see how the rest goes/if it works.
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